Ethical Fashion, the great goal

It is well known that third world countries are often outsourced for fashion due to the low cost of labor. Although the costs are low, it is a risk that the labor being used is either child labor or forced labor.

A report was put together by Baptist World Aid which analyses the fashion industry and it’s commitment to ethical fashion. As part of the report, Baptist World Aid names and shames businesses that they determine do not meet ethical standards of fashion sourcing.

Over 135 fashion companies have provided information for the report and they were ranked in a A to F format based on how their systems and processes were designed to ensure ethical sourcing of fashion.

There were some well known names that participated such as Cotton On, Kookai and Country Road who willingly participated in the process and based on analysis of their data, achieved am A grade.

Smaller fashion retailers such as Showpo and Rebecca Valance did not participate in the survey and were given an F grade. However, many of these retailers may not have the ability and financial position to achieve ethical fashion sourcing to the same degree as more cashed up bigger retailers. Many smaller retailers who did not participate have commented that although they did not contribute to the survey, sourcing ethical fashion is high on their priority list as a business.

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