Quantum Computing growing quickly

Quantum computers have captivated scientists for decades, and now they are starting to attract the attention of investors.
With just over a year left in 2018, it has already been estimated that over a billion dollars worth of private money has been poured into quantum computing.
This is largely due to the immense growth of the quantum computing industry. According to a study conducted by McKinsey, the number of startups in the space has increased significantly over the years.
Quantum computers are expected to become more powerful and useful in the future. In 2018, IBM unveiled a strategy to develop a 64-qubit processor that will be used in 2023.
ColdQuanta’s processor is capable of processing up to 100qubits.
Despite the hype, quantum computing is still far from being mainstream. Its early days were spent on finding initial use cases and scaling the technology to commercial levels.
Quantum computers are equipped with quantum bits, which are bits that are basically the same as the bits found in standard computers. With the added capacity to store large amounts of data, they’re capable of carrying out complex calculations that are impossible to perform using current machines.
The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to transform almost every industry, from drug design to transport and energy.
Quantum bits are incredibly hard to manipulate. In order to make them work properly, they need to be built at a large scale. Currently, most companies in the space are still trying to make computers that can run at a massive scale.
Although the concept of quantum computing is still years away, businesses are still exploring the potential of this technology for their operations.
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